Alankar for Bansuri

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Ornamentation in Bansuri!

The concept of Gamak is essential to understand for any performer of Hindustani classical music – in both vocal and instrumental forms. The term Gamak refers to the controlled shaking of notes. In the process, other notes may or may not be used. Reference video for Gamak

The important Gamaks are:

Meend(Glissando) Reference video

Meend is a slow slide from one note to the other. Both starting and ending notes are equally articulated and played as if there is a continuum between the two. Meend may or may not involve adjacent notes. If it skips notes (e.g. S->G), the notes skipped in between are not significantly articulated but are treated as part of the continuum between the two notes.

In Bansuri, meend is played by slowly shifting fingers from one note to the other. Because of the break between Ma and Pa, it is not possible to play Meend between them or across (Ga to Dha for example) with conventional Bansuri. Many Bansuri players have used innovations in grips or extra holes to overcome some of these limitations.


Andolan literally means “Oscillation”. Andolan Gamak involves slow oscillation of the note with a higher or lower note in such a way that emphasis is still on the main note. Andolan is articulated in Bansuri mainly through fingering.


Kampan literally means “vibration”. In the western system, this is called vibrato and it is articulated in Bansuri through blowing. One should alternately blow harder and softer in such a way that the note “vibrates” around its normal position. Andolans or oscillations move the note much more than Kampan or vibrations.

Kan(Grace notes)

This refers to a grace note. If for example, you are playing kan of Ni for Sa then the Ni is articulated for a very small duration. The grace note is usually adjacent to the main note but does not have to be so. It can also be on either side of the main note. The intensity of the grace note can vary.


Murki is fast ornamentation around the main note and may have a number of swaras. It refers to a short, sharp figure of two or three notes so uttered that it occurs within a short span of time, wrapped around the central note. It can be described as quivering notes, including microtones. Murki is used more commonly in lighter forms of music, such as Thumri.


When a series of Murkis are performed in quick succession, they lead to the Jamjama, which is like a spiraling fast pattern.


This is similar to both the Murki and the Kana. The Khatka is a faster improvisation of the principal note. The speed of execution gives it a jerky movement.

Reference video for KAN | KHATKA | MURKI | ZAMZAMA